Information about the No Surprises Act
(For Patients who Self-Pay or who are Out of Network)
Restorative Sleep, LLC

“Surprise billing” is an unexpected bill. Surprise billing can occur when you have health insurance, but find out that the provider you have seen is not in your insurance’s network of providers (“out of network”). If that happens, you might be responsible for paying more money than if your provider was in the insurance’s provider network.

Surprise billing can also happen when you don’t have health insurance, and you don’t know what your fees would be for medical services until you get the bill.

The law now protects you from this surprise billing.

If Dr. Loomis is “out of network” or if you don’t have health insurance, under the law, you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much the services you receive at Restorative Sleep, LLC, will cost.

Dr. Loomis, as well as your other healthcare providers, will give you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least one business day before your medical service. You can also ask Dr. Loomis, or any other healthcare provider, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill through the Department of Health and Human Services.

Make sure to save a copy of your Good Faith Estimate in a safe place, in case you want to dispute the bill in the future.

If Dr. Loomis is out of network with your insurance plan, please know that you can always choose a provider in your plan’s network, which could save you money. Dr. Loomis will do her best to help you find other providers who might be in your network.

For questions, or if you feel you’ve been wrongly billed:

You can talk with Dr. Loomis:
(414) 698-2654 or at

You can contact US Health and Human Services:
(800) 985-3059 or visit